ISKCON Perth & Hare Krishna Temple

Welcome to Hare Krishna Temple in Perth.

Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Temple, commonly known as The Hare Krishna Temple of Perth, is the centre of the Bhakti Yoga Movement in Perth.


We help people find real happiness and inner fulfillment through mantra meditation, devotional music, and service to society. Our movement is based on a profound ancient philosophy that reveals complete solutions to life’s eternal problems.

The Project


Nestled amongst tall trees and a 40-acre bush forever reserve off roe highway, our 2.5 acres of ISKCON land is a short walk from High Wycombe train station and a 5 min drive from Perth airport.

Centre of Devotion


Featuring Sri Sri Radha Krishna and Sri Sri Gaura Nitai deities in a beautiful altar and a temple hall with a capacity to accommodate over 400 people at a time, the new temple block will be a spiritual hub for devotional activities.

Community Centre


The world-renowned Hare Krishna Food For Life initiative of providing healthy wholesome food for soul, mind and body will be the core activity of the community centre.


Srila Prahupada

In 1965, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, at the age of 70, left his native India for the first time, with a mission to introduce to the Western world, the science and art of ‘Bhakti-Yoga’ based on the teachings of Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.

ISKCON Perth - Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Temple

Canning Road,
Kalamunda, WA 6076


Learn To Be Sustainably Happy!

Join the Happiness Program. Experience a calm mind, reduced anxiety, increased energy levels and sustainable happiness everyday!